Services & Inspection
- Surveys
- Inspection
- Services

Engineering surveys are a prerequisite for both capital construction (road construction, erection of industrial buildings and structures), and low-rise construction, from landscape design to laying utility networks (MEP).
- Engineering and geodesic
- Engineering-geological
- Environmental engineering
- Engineering and meteorological
We carry out a complex inspection of the technical condition, evaluates the quality and reliability of building and facility structures. The main goal is to collect the design data required for engineering:
- detailed measurement work of building and facility structures with the measurement drawings drafting, a comparative analysis of measurement data with existing design solutions;
- building and facility structures inspection with the identification of defects and damage that reduce the bearing capacity and durability;
- instrumental diagnostics of building structures with determination of metal structure corrosion degree, strength characteristics and other properties of construction materials, characterizing their quantitative and qualitative indicators in accordance with current regulatory requirements;
- technical inspection and verification calculation analysis results of the structures bearing capacity with an assessment of the object current technical condition;
- recommendation and measure development for further building and facility structures safe operation, determination of criteria and possibility for further use of existing buildings and structures construction elements in the design framework.

We provide the following services:
- Scientific activity
- Engineering and survey activities
- Additive technology activities
- Activities in the field of metrology and methodology
- Standardization Activities
- Rapid methods of analysis and automation of technological processes
- Analytical Center
- 3D printing